Oak Branch Concerts

Concerts at Oak Branch are free to the public. If you would like to make a donation to support our performers or HAAM (Health Alliance for Austin Musicians), any donation is sincerely appreciated and can be made at the performance or visiting the HAAM website.

We will be taking a break during the summer and will begin concerts again in September. Thank you to all our performers and audiences for a wonderful season of musical events!

MAY Concert To Be RESCHEDULED in the fall:

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RAMEAU Double Take:
Sophia Gilmson, harpsichord and Brett Bachus, piano

Sophia Gilmson and Brett Bachus will perform a unique presentation of an all-Rameau program. Sophia will play each original work on harpsichord followed by Brett playing Godowsky’s piano transcription of the same work. The performance will be about an hour without intermission and will include some introductory words for each selection.


To Be Rescheduled

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